
给开始做天然保养品的你 | Letter to the Beginners

给开始做天然保养品的你 | Letter to the Beginners



DIY 天然保养品真的很有魅力,因而开始接触到天然保养品。有味着开发出效果卓越的原料时,最初的热情彷彿又重新被燃起。

天然保养品最大的魅力,就是能透过新颖的想法,做出各式各样不同的选择。如此一来,在挑选保养品时,就可以从“要买哪个牌子”的思考模式中脱离出来。或许当大家对於亲自制作保养品,手工皂,厨房清洁用品, 不再感到陌生时,说不定还会觉得“这么简单又好用,为何到现在才知道这些信息。。。。(好懊恼的哦。。。呵呵)




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This letter is for those who are starting to have a passion for DIY skincare, soap-making, and kitchen cleaning products.

You might have a question, is it all possible? It seems all too complicated and complex. Since, you have come to our blog, sign up for our newsletter, as we will be posting videos on making serum, soap-making skins, and other cleansing products.

The process of making DIY skincare products can be fun to learn, and a worthy investment to make, their tools aren't one that is expensive, least we forget that the ingredients can be used for different products from one bottle of carrier oil for massage oil, shampoo, serum, facial cleansing, or one bottle of essential oil can be part of ingredients used in a hand-cream solution, kitchen cleansing product or even for air purifier.

For the Beginners of DIY projects, we will be starting by explaining the natural ingredients and tools that are needed to fulfill most of our DIY natural skincare final products. All-natural ingredients should be suitable for most of our skin conditions. 

**However, please be aware, if you are allergic to nuts, please avoid, sweet almond oil, walnut oil, hazelnut oil, macadamia oil altogether.** 

join our community at Facebook and feel free to ask us questions about DIY skincare or anything you want to make but aren't sure https://www.facebook.com/littlecraftharbour/ or email us at contact@littlecraftharbour.com  .

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