
Oils and Butter

Oils and Butter

Hihi!! Passionate Crafter's of DIY skin care making, lotion-making, massage-oil making and etc (Not a good indication for Soap-making)

From above  the chart is a well-prepared chart to help you passionate readers understand the guidelines for absorbency of  different 'Oils & Butters'.

The chart above are not categorise by its benefits, but the thickness and lightness of the oil that is available in the market.
 Quicker oils feel lighter and absorb into your skin faster. Slower oils are richer and tend to stay on your skin longer. If you tend to have oily skin or are looking for less greasy lotion/cream, choose more quick absorbing oils, such as rosehip oil, rice bran and etc. With drier skin or if you seek to find more protective and thicker lotion or cream during the winter or drier weather, include more slow absorbing oils into your recipe.

However, the chart above is irrelevant to soap-making products. Since soapmaking is a cleansing agent,while lotion/cream are applicable to protect the skin from UV-rays, or dryness and its main design is to remain on the skin for longer term.
 For more information or further questions in regards to (lotion-making or cream - making) 
please contact us on our 
Facebook page "Little Craft Harbour" https://www.facebook.com/littlecraftharbour/
Carta yang diatas adalah untuk bimbingan maklumat untuk memilih "Minyak atau Butter Kosmetik' membuat DIY Losyen.

Minyak yang lebih mudah menyerap ke dalam kulit akan berasa lebih ringan. Minyak yang lebih perlahan diserap adalah lebih berminyak dan cenderung untuk kekal pada kulit anda lebih lama. Jika anda cenderung mempunyai kulit berminyak atau sedang mencari losyen / krim yang kurang berminyak, pilih minyak yang menyerap lebih cepat. Dengan kulit kering atau jika anda mencari lebih banyak losyen dan pelindung atau krim yang lebih tebal, masukkan minyak yang lebih perlahan ke dalam resipi anda. 

Untuk maklumat lanjut atau pertanyaan lanjut mengenai (pembuatan losyen atau pembuatan krim) sila hubungi kami di atas 
Facebook page "Little Craft Harbour" https://www.facebook.com/littlecraftharbour/

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